

Nineteen…wow, nineteen!  Well that explains the grey mist in my hair.  It’s been such a lovely ride.  Can you hear how choked up I am…’cause I can’t see the screen anymore.  I think this is going to be a love letter to you.

Every single day, you shower your joy on me.  And every single day, my heart feels that joy.  I hope you feel mine in return.  I still love it…it amazes me, and challenges me, and sends my heart soaring.  The best part still remains, sitting in the big-rust-colored-cushy-chair after fulfilling your lovely order, to have a fresh cup…savoring the almost overpowering smell of the roaster (who thankfully has not graduated and moved off to college yet) and drinking in the mystery of the day.  It is still an honor to be a part of this global adventure and I hope to continue for many years to come.

So…here’s to us!  Thank you bushels and bushels.  Let’s have another cup together soon, Mattie.

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